My job record but also other involvement that are worth a mention.
Slimster - Backend developer
07-2023 (fulltime)
Slimster is a home renovation and sustainability quote comparison platform. I oversee backend and infrastructure there. (Php, Symfony, Kubernetes, AWS) -
Finly - Backend developer
04-2022 - 06-2023 (fulltime)
Finly makes software for financial institutions, I worked on de main application that consultants use and also took part in maintaining the infrastructure. (Php, Laravel, Kubernetes, Google Cloud, Transip) -
Enrise - Developer
05-2020 - 03-2022 (partttime)
Enrise is a digital agency meaning I worked on a various client projects. I learned a lot about DevOps and DomainDrivenDevelopment there. (Php, Syfmony, Laravel, Kubernetes, Varnish, AWS, Google Cloud) -
De Horeca Opkoper - General IT
05-2017 - 04-2020 (freelance)
I maintained various websites and email servers, designed and ran the in office networking and was general IT counsel, so to say. -
Bunq - Backend developer
09-2019 - 01-2020 (Internship)
As my first out of two required internships I worked at bunq as a backender. This was a crazy hectic time but I have never learned so much in half a year, and not only IT related. -
Jumping Joe Springkussen Verhuur - Web developer
03-2018 - 12-2019 (freelance)
Jumping Joe is a jumpy-castle renting business for which I maintained their booking systems and websites. -
Soul Survivor Holland - Backend developer
12-2018 (volunteering)
Soul Survivor is a organisation that organises events for christian youth. Together with a team of 3 we run all IT at the organisation. That includes Gsuite, websites, event management systems and our own ticket platform. -
CoolSafety - Web developer
08-2018 - 07-2019 (parttime)