Noah van Bochove

Welcome to my corner of the internet

Hey, I'm Noah van Bochove, age 23, software engineer and Volvo enthousiast. From a young age I have been fascinated with technology, it started of with learning linux to run a Minecraft server and grow into a craftsmanship and career. I'm interested and invested in:

  • Improving developer experiences.
  • Making complex projects simple, quick, response and resilient.
  • Realising these goals with tools like: Kubernetes, Google Cloud Run, Amazon ECS, Cloudflare, edge computing, php, Symfony and Svelte
  • But also fixing, maintaining and improving cars. In particular Volvo's, driving a 1998 V70 myself.

If you are interested on working with me just send an email and we will see what we can do for each other.